Esther Experience

A spa day for your soul.









The first step is to schedule an appointment. Please contact our office by phone or complete the appointment request form.


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The Story of Esther

This experience was birthed from a story about a young woman in the Bible.

Esther was a young woman taken to the King's castle to prepare her for an opportunity to be Queen. The story tells of how all the women were prepared for 12 months to meet the king. They were bathed in oils and given beauty treatments. They were provided with anything they wanted to grow and expand in their ability to be prepared to be the fullness of themselves before they met the King.

Turns out Esther was chosen by the King to be the new Queen, she was given extreme favor.

During the time she was in the castle, there was a decree given that her people would be completely destroyed. Her people pleaded with her to talk to the King to not follow through. The crazy thing at the time was even though she was the Queen, she was not “allowed” to just go talk to the King or she could be killed just for asking to talk to him. After much consideration she knew she had to act. Keeping this story short, she was not beheaded, she did see the king, she did ask him not to kill her people and the King gave her her request.

She is remembered in history the cliff notes of her story were that…. All she had gone through was everything that had prepared her for the moment of time when she changed the world. She was being prepared for a time such as this.

The Esther Experience

Although we may never have to face a society whose laws keep us from speaking up, a decree that could lead to the genocide of our people or a decision that was essentially a suicide mission...

...We do have programs and patterns that keep us from speaking our truth, stepping out as a target of judgment or the fear of rejection. We have been given visions or callings that seem like insurmountable opposition is going to get the best of us. And though it may not be physical death, the illusion of losing other people's acceptance, belonging or love is all too real.

This is your space to be prepared for whatever you are facing - hard decisions, letting go of the old you who is playing small or just getting up another day to face the spinning plates that you hold.

It doesn't matter what your situation is, this experience will relieve stress, reboot your nervous system and create clarity for tomorrow's decisions, preparing you for a time such as this.

What to expect...


The experience begins with intention setting, meditation and conversation (as much as you are comfortable with) - taking some time to take all the weight off your shoulders and be present for the Experience and what you want to receive from it.


Next, a series of sessions from Reiki, massage, breathwork, somatic release, and more (the session types are based on scheduling and availability).

Between each of your three sessions, you are given the time, space, and activities to help you process, integrate, or meditate on the results of the session.


There are nourishing foods, smoothies, and beverages are provided at any time to assist you in nurturing your body while your spirit and soul are taking care of you.


We finish up with a closing ceremony where you have the opportunity to own and honor anything you feel you want to share, or just a space to close the day with an intention of transformation.

This 5-and-a-half-hour immersion is systematically designed to reset the programmed set point of your nervous system, to create a more clarity and balanced response to life’s stimulus, relieve stress from the body which provides sustainable transformation and create new neuro-pathways that allow the reticular activation system to see more solutions, opportunities, and resources.

Are you ready to step into the next version of YOU That is more powerful, equipped and ready to live the life that you truly desire?















Lori Dee

Lori Dee is a skilled energy healer, master of mindset, and creator of EMPHORY Alignment. She has been able to harness her skills through thousands of hours of study and practice then conducting and hundreds of sessions with her clients. Her unique delivery emerges from an eclectic toolbox of the dozens of certifications and modalities she has learned.

Lori has an incredible gift of intuition and uses it to draw out the very best in her clients.The obstacles in the way of her clients living fully alive don't stand a chance when she gets in and clears, aligns, and magnifies them.

After almost two decades of working with people Lori can craft each session uniquely to the needs of every individual she works with. Brilliant, amazing, life changing are only a few of the words her clients use to describe what it is like working with her. But Lori's favorite will probably alway remain to be this one, "I don’t know what you are doing or what you are saying but every time I leave here I know I'm loved and my life is never the same again."

Lori is excited to share her gifts and talents with you as you walk through the Esther Experience.

Bridgit Muratore

My name is Bridgit Muratore. I found the healing art of reiki on my own healing journey to be a space I could release the binds that tied me and tap into my innate strength.

As a Reiki Practitioner I am willing to meet you exactly where your body, spirit, and mind are. I’m a tool for you to use in releasing stories that no longer serve you and step into your next path.

Private Reiki Sessions are designed to release, restore, and rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul.

Private EMPHORY Alignment Sessions will help open the pathways between your super conscious and subconscious to provide you with a clearer picture of your life’s purpose.

Kim Bech

I am an intuitive energy work practitioner.  I have been on a journey of self-love and discovery that is still unfolding.  Before I began this journey, I believed God was always something outside of me but as I began to love myself, I discovered the God within me.  The deeper I dive into loving myself it reveals to me my own connection with God.  The Esther Experience is an opportunity for me to share the god inside me with the god inside you and it is magical.

My goal is to get to be part of your journey on your path to self-love and discovery.  I am here to help you trust the divine energy in you.  To help you discover more of you and your own personal connection with whatever God is to you. Everything is energy, which makes it possible for me to communicate with it all.  I am just in awe at how amazing and magical the world truly is. No matter how many times I get to be a part of the magic it always blows me away.

Jeana Johnson

I am passionate about supporting people on their journey to create a life they love. For most of my life, everything looked together on the outside (the job, the money, the house, the vacations), but my internal experience was one of intense anxiety, struggle and disappointment.

After reestablishing a connection to my true design (both human and spirit) and cultivating a partnership with my body, I have found the freedom I have always desired and create a life I love living more and more each day. I love sharing this with others.

As an embodiment coach, yoga teacher and Reiki practitioner, I use these skillsets to help clients become more aware of what they truly desire and take action from an embodied place to create a life they love living.

I support clients in creating a greater awareness of their nervous system functioning and I use somatic tools to help clients take embodied and aligned action, while addressing any barriers or beliefs standing in the way of the life they love. I can't wait to work with you!

Dee Kline

Hey there! I am an intuitive interior design & decorating coach. The core of my design work is EMPHORY's #1 Practice - everything is energy.  My client's energy, the space's energy, and the items/decor/walls in the space. I coach my clients to listen to their own inner likes and dislikes, not trends, not instagram and definitely not design "rules". 

Here at the Esther's Experience, I'm the hostess with the mostess, the welcome wagon, and your experience concierge.

My goal is to create an environment that is warm, welcoming and safe for you to feel all the feels. 

Join the Team!

We are always looking for passionate practitioners to join the team. Please fill out this form and we will reach out to you!

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This service has helped my business grow so much and I am so thankful!

Betty Wade


Would never choose anyone else to help me grow my business! They have been so helpful and kind!

Betty Wade


Wonderful people here! They listen to you, and are genuinely concerned about providing you the best care possible! I would recommend them to everyone!

Betty Wade
