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The Trinity of Love

Have you ever "gotten over" something only to find it resurface years later? Here Bridgit shares her discovery of how the many layers of grief she's experienced has brought her to a deeper understanding of self.

Bridgit Muratore

Bridgit Muratore

Bridgit is our Truth Reporter here in the Empowered Abundance Collective. She has a gift of story telling in a way that relates to anyone and everyone. She writes from her heart and leaves us feeling like we are not alone! Thank you for "speaking" your truth Bridgit!

The Trinity of Love

The Trinity of Love

September 16, 20245 min read

"I hadn't anticipated burying my husband just thirteen months after our wedding day, but that is how life happened."

- Bridgit Muratore

The Trinity of Love

On the morning of the funeral, I slipped into a black dress, placed the necklace with his wedding band around my neck, grabbed a shawl, and walked out of the house.  The church was filled with his family and friends as I sat sandwiched between my parents.  I didn’t realize, until I hugged my brother afterward, how many tears I had been holding inside.  As I regained my composure from my brother’s steady presence, I felt grateful to my family for not expecting anything from me.  I hadn’t anticipated burying my husband just thirteen months after our wedding day, but that is how life happened.  In the following months, I spent time grieving and was once again thankful to my family for allowing me the space to mourn at my own pace.  

One evening, after returning from work, I walked into the kitchen and reached for a glass of wine.  A simple glass of wine had been my way of unwinding after a long day.  As I stood there with the bottle in my left hand and a glass in my right, a wave of numbness washed over me.  I recalled watching his spirit leave his body, as if that evening still lingered within me.  Tears filled my eyes as I poured the wine down the drain, vowing not to numb myself with any substance.  Instead, I wanted to allow myself to miss him.  I wanted to feel the pain, the sorrow, the way he held me, and how he made me laugh.  I wanted to experience everything and to navigate through the emotions as they arose.  I didn’t want to hide, even though it was difficult.  I stood in the shower, tears flowing as freely as the water, until my entire body shook.  I wondered if I could cry out all my tears - would I ever cry again?  The following day, I found myself in the shower once more, and more tears flowed.  There never seemed to be a shortage of them.  

Trinity of Love

People often say that, eventually, the pain of losing a loved one diminishes leaving only cherished memories.  However, I have discovered that it is not time that heals all wounds.  I grieved in what I believed was a very healthy manner, allowing myself to experience each emotion while attempting to piece my life back together.  Yet, this was only part of my healing journey.  Years after his death, I embarked on a journey into energy work and found that many of the emotions I thought I had resolved flooded my soul once again.  I recalled long conversations with therapists and counselors as I sorted through my feelings, yet my body, mind, and spirit required more.  If time truly heals and I have grieved, how could these same emotions resurface?  

One of the practices of Emphory is Everything is Opposite.  As I delved into understanding how these emotions continued to reside within me, I realized that my journey consisted of layers upon layers.  I initially believed that peeling away layers of emotion during the grieving process would lead to fewer layers.  However, I did not comprehend that I was entangling these emotions in a narrative I was constructing about becoming a widow.  My initial healing process identified loss, heartache, and abandonment, but it also introduced feelings of guilt and shame associated with moving on.  My new narrative added layers to the layers I was already healing.  According to the practice of Everything is Opposite, I discovered that the more layers I peeled away, the more layers I uncovered.  When I began to understand that the locked emotions within me were confined within the stories I had created, I realized that my identity was also intertwined with these narratives.  The more layers I uncovered, the more I learned about myself, and I recognized that in order to heal the past, I needed to separate my story from my identity.

"The more layers I uncovered, the more I learned about myself, and I recognized that in order to heal the past, I needed to separate my story from my identity."

Everything is Opposite, and I have discovered that the role I play does not define me.  My identity is not entangled in the emotions of my past.  As I uncover the layers of my history, I look forward to discovering more aspects that will enable me to understand myself even better.  I no longer see myself as trapped within a narrative; instead, I am learning to process my emotions and allow them to flow through me creating a deeper understanding of who I am.  

When I met my current husband, the thing I loved most about him was that he embraced me for everything I had experienced, rather than in spite of it.  I believed I needed to “get over” my first husband in order to be loved again, but I discovered that by loving and losing my first husband, I became the woman I needed to be for my current husband.  The three of us form a beautiful trinity.  I would not be the person I am for my current husband without the experiences I had with my first, and I would still be with my first husband if he had not passed away.  Everything is Opposite and the three of us have created a beautiful triangle of healing and love.  

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Bridgit Muratore

Brigit is our EAC Truth Teller. She takes us on a journey that uncovers past beliefs, previous patterns and deepest desires while reporting the shifts and tweaks she has experienced after being in this Collective. It is her desire for you to recharge your tank, release the binds that tie you and simply be loved. Bridgit is also a practitioner of the healing art of Reiki.

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