What if you get to choose your energy?

Activation? Tell me more...

An activation is similar to a guided meditation. The most significant difference however, is a meditation is more of a surrendered intention where you're waiting for things (awarenesses, downloads, or intuitive hits) to come in or to silencing and allowing unwanted things to go out.  

An activation is where we cognitively choose a particular energy and frequency that we are trying to develop. Then we take that energy and activate it, cultivate it, bring awareness and appreciation to it within our body. That will begin to create a resonance for our cells to harmonize with, which
then creates a new energetic set point for our unconscious to function from. 

In the Activation Monthly Membership, we offer LIVE activations three times a week (three energies a week)! The recordings are always available in case you cannot attend or if you want to rewatch.

Who is this perfect for?

  • You are super open to receiving more but don't have a lot of time available at the moment.

  • You know you want more but you're not quite sure what that more is yet.

  • You need to spend some time being nurtured, surrendering and
    resting before tapping into a full blown program.

  • You know you NEED to stay in a container of positive and uplifting energy.

Why do activations?

We of course want the benefits of a particular frequency, like joy or abundance. 

The greater benefit of activations is actually how it empowers us. 

With every time we choose an activation, we choose an energy, we choose to embody that particular frequency, we exercise choice. 

And CHOICE is our superpower

Here is an example of the difference in the result of the activation and the result of the action of the activation.  If I have wealth but I feel disempowered I will not appreciate the wealth, or I'll squander the wealth, or never even notice it.  As we empower ourselves through choice and create wealth or joy, now we actually utilize it as the gift that it is and experience the same result in vastly different way! 

Meet your coach, Lori.

After years of living the American Dream, Lori realized all the stuff on the outside didn't matter. She wanted peace and joy and to enjoy living. She went on a journey where she found exactly THAT, only the American Dream disappeared. Why CAN’T I have it ALL?


That was the spark that led her deep into the rabbit hole. The wisdom and techniques she learned and APPLIED over the last ten years have brought her here.


She has created a foolproof system to take others to it ALL, living FULLY alive.

Can't wait to see you on the inside!