A complete identity shift in the relationship you choose.
Discover at a root foundational level how the law truly works so that it's always available to you.
In-depth strategy on how to work the life GPS with precision every time.
A complete upgrade of the operating system inside of you that attracts and keeps the life you desire.
Those who get the most benefit from this program:
Have been playing the manifestation game for awhile, but they found even more ease, speed, and consistency with these new principles.
Are willing to do the work to have complete predictability in what shows up.
Have cognitively known the principles for a long time and now are ready to truly embody them as their identity so that all of life unfolds magically.
Can't complain about life because it's really rather great but they're ready to receive the unimaginable WOW life.
“Lori just shows up and something shifts. When my $1,000,000 opportunity showed up I was ready to receive it.”
“I had to call Lori and ask if I could turn down the abundance button…she said no!”
“My greatest take away: I now know that I do not have to strive and struggle. I can relax in the knowledge that I am worthy and all things are possible”
LIVE teaching and coaching!!!! Three times a week we are live, teaching on a different principle of the program, group coaching on the system and content and group coaching on how to apply everything we're learning to your individual situation or circumstance.
1:1 Coaching - three sessions just you and your coach.
Tools, tools, and more tools. Tools that reveal old money beliefs so that you know what to release, process, or replace.
A process that works! The systematic process to replace every single money belief you have with one that serves you at your highest level.
The Empowered Abundance Container. Just being in the energy will have you lighter, giddy, and feeling the shifts just by showing up.
Community. Access to the Facebook group to ask questions, share wins, or connect to others on the same journey.
After years of living the American Dream, Lori realized all the stuff on the outside didn't matter. She wanted peace and joy and to enjoy living. She went on a journey where she found exactly THAT, only the American Dream disappeared. Why CAN’T I have it ALL?
That was the spark that led her deep into the rabbit hole. The wisdom and techniques she learned and APPLIED over the last ten years have brought her here.
She has created a foolproof system to take others to it ALL, living FULLY alive.
Be able to recognize the feedback around you so begin to unpack unwanted patterns.
Know when you are in alignment with your goal so that it is inevitable and when you are off track.
Have several tools that light you up and keep your focus on your goal.
Lose your excuses and self sabotage so that you can begin to create what you really want.
Stop waiting for what you want and dive in.
"All I have to do is say yes to something Lori is doing and the money just shows up.”
“The challenge tools were fun and quick yet deep. I really enjoyed not thinking and just letting my thoughts flow wherever, whether it made sense of not, I got such FREEDOM”
"My greatest awakening, I hold all the power, nothing outside of me, me AS the